ISG News Letter Volume 8. No. 2. 2022
WHO-ISG Collaboration Launch Event
North American chapter presentation as part of IDIH Innovation Day
ISG News Letter Volume 7. No. 1. 2022
13th World Conference of Gerontechnology – Tutorial Video for Paper Submission
13th World Conference of Gerontechnology – Call for Abstracts
Welcome! 13th World Conference of Gerontechnology October 24-26, 2022. Daegu, Korea
ISG 2020 Gerontechnology Conference (Fully Digital) October 6-9, 2020
ISG webinar video available online!
ISG Webinar: “Using Technology to Assist Older Adults in Coping with COVID-19”
ISG 2020 is Postponed to October 7-9
Invitation to submit a bid to host ISG 2022
The First Monash-Petrosains Gerontechnology Challenge 2018
12th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Trondheim Norway 2020
11th World Conference of Gerontechnology in the News
Gerontechnology 17 now published
Invitation to submit a bid to host ISG 2020
Call for Manuscripts – Gerontechnology
11th World Conference of Gerontechnology, May 2018 “Evolving Designs for Our Future Selves”
10th World Conference of Gerontechnology, September 2016 “Sustainable Humans”
Master class held in Yuan Ze University, for the ISG 2014 congress
The President's corner

This month begins a series of periodic updates by the president of happenings at the ISG.
First, let me say how delighted I am to have been elected to serve as your president. My predecessor, Professor Sixsmith, left large shoes to fill and we owe him a great debt of gratitude for the fine work he and the Executive Committee performed during their tenure.
Today’s environment is a challenging one for academic societies; there are many competing opportunities for emerging professionals to publish their works and receive recognition that will earn them tenure. For many the choice of journal has come to resemble an exercise in accountancy where the impact factor in Scopus or Web of Science is the major determinant of where to publish.
Related to the quest to maximize the impact factor is the propagation of specialized academic society websites addressing the interests of highly diverse subgroups, such that one can find a publishing venue for any particular point of view by conducting a simple Google search. Because of this, large organizations, such as the American Psychological Association, have seen their division memberships decline as smaller organizations with more focused missions have acquired members and offered their own journals.
The ISG is in a prime position to grow significantly in the coming years; our flagship journal Gerontechnology, abstracted and indexed in Scopus, has passed from the highly capable guidance of Editor-in-Chief and Grand Master Annelies van Bronswijk to our new Editor-in-Chief, Professor Yeh-Liang Hsu. Editor-in-Chief Hsu also heads the ISG’s Information Technology department and manages the ISG’s new website, which will play a key role in attracting new members in the years to come as we make the most of the capacities of the Internet and automation to more effectively serve the needs of our members and our constituents.
Introducing the new Executive Committee
The ISG Executive Committee consists of the following persons.
President, Bill Kearns
Editor-in-Chief / IT director, Yeh-Liang Hsu
Vice president, Philipe Robert
Secretary General, Lawrence Normie
Treasurer, Pauline van den Berg
Marketing, Gloria Gutman
Communication, Helianthe Kort
More information about the Executive committee can be found here.
Brief impression of ISG 2016 by Grandmaster Jim Fozard
The purpose of my trip to Nice was to participate in the 10th World Conference on Gerontechnology, sponsored by the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG). ISG conferences are held every two years in different countries; previously in Taipei, Taiwan (2014); Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2012); Vancouver, Canada (2010).
Just prior to the ISG meeting, five senior ISG members met for two days to establish the World Academy of Gerontechnology, to organize and supervise the master classes and create other educational activities. Dr. Alain Franco, past president of ISG and a convener of the 2016 meeting, led the initiative that will be created under French law. Funding for annual master classes will be provided by the City of Nice. The Executive Committee of the Academy consists of Herman Bouma, Ph.D., (The Netherlands); Annelies van Bronswijk, Ph.D., (The Netherlands); Jim Fozard, Ph.D., (USA); Alain Franco, M.D., (France); Anthea Tinker, Ph.D., (Great Britain).
As a co-creator of the discipline of gerontechnology and a charter member of ISG, I was very pleased with the growth of this interdisciplinary activity.

Photo impression of ISG2016 in NICE
Photos taken by Professor Neil Charness
Regional chapter report
The Brazilian Chapter
In April 2016 the 1st Brazilian Gerontechnology Conference took place. It resulted, among other things, in the formation of a new Brazilian Chapter with Professor Carla da Silva Santana as president.
Presentations of the first ISG Brazilian Chapter are captured in Gerontechnology 2016, Vol. 15(2)

Towards ISG2018
ISG2018 will be organized by the North-America Chapter in Saint Petersburg, Florida. The conference theme is “Evolving Designs for our Future Selves”. “More information about the conference can be found here.
Dear fellow ISG members,
I am delighted to announce that our newly updated and improved ISG website is online and available to the public at http://www.gerontechnology.org
The site represents the culmination of many hours of hard work by our ISG information technology staff under the direction of Professor Yeh-Liang Hsu, who is also our new Editor in Chief of Gerontechnology. The site is considerably more attractive and welcoming, so please have a look and see if you agree.
William Kearns, PhD
President, International Society for Gerontechnology

Gerontechnology (ISSN/EISSN 1569-1101 1569-111X) is the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology