Henk Herman Nap


Mr. Henk Herman Nap, PhD, MSc is an expert on eHealth at Vilans, a member of the board at the International Society of Gerontechnology (ISG) and has a visiting research position at the Human-Technology Interaction group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Vilans is the leading expertise centre on long-term care in The Netherlands. Henk Herman has a background in cognitive ergonomics, with a MSc degree in Psychology (Utrecht University), a PhD in a Gerontechnology related theme, and a Postdoc in senior gamers from the TU/e. Henk Herman worked at the TU/e and Smart Homes in multiple EU development projects on eHealth, seniors and gaming, fall prevention & detection, interoperability and integrated care. In addition, he coordinated 4 Dutch IPC projects for approx. 70 SMEs in the field of domotics & smart living, coordinated several Dutch implementation and research projects on eHealth, and coordinated the EU STOPandGO project (H2020). Currently, Henk Herman works as a project coordinator and senior researcher in innovation & research, specifically in the field of eHealth and long-term care policies. At Vilans, Henk Herman is coordinator of the International HAAL Active and Assisted Living (AAL) project on an AAL bundle that supports people with dementia and their (in)formal carers during their client journey, the GUARDIAN (AAL) research project on social robotics for people with dementia and (in)formal carers, the eWare AAL project on lifestyle monitoring and social robotics for people with dementia and their (in) formal carers, the MagicTABLE project (ToverTafel) and worked/s in other AAL projects such as Palette and FreeWalker as a workpackage manager of co-design and user evaluation. Furthermore, i-evAAlution, Certification-D and POSTHCARD are also AAL projects he supports in co-creation and research. Henk Herman is the WP3 leader of the H2020 ME-WE project on young carers. In the WP, a European Delphi study is performed in 6 countries and a systematic literature study. Henk Herman lead the research on the evaluation of the long-term care act in The Netherlands for the Ministry of Health. Besides these projects, Henk Herman is project leader of multiple eHealth implementation and evaluation projects in The Netherlands, such as ‘Anders Werken’ in the province of Noord-Brabant. In addition, Henk Herman is supervisor of several MSc and PhD students and is involved in Human In Technology courses at the TU/e.

Gerontechnology (ISSN/EISSN 1569-1101 1569-111X) is the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology