
Designing technology and environment for independent living and social participation of older persons in good health, comfort and safety.
Our Mission

ISG encourages and promotes technological innovations in products and services that address older peoples’ ambitions and needs on the basis of scientific knowledge about ageing processes including cultural and individual differences


ISG works toward the realization of a society fully served by technology that is as accessible to ageing people as it is to people in younger generations


Innovative technology that serves an enabling role for ageing people by:

  • Maintaining their independence and equality including considerations of residence, mobility, safety, security, communication, activities, and quality of life
  • Supporting their well-being and health as defined by the WHO
  • Realising their individual and collective/social ambitions and needs
  • Keeping them embedded in their changing socio-cultural environment
  • Enhancing their dignity
  • Supporting their caregivers

Gerontechnology (ISSN/EISSN 1569-1101 1569-111X) is the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology

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