Objectives of the ISG An International Society for Gerontechnology titled ISG is constituted. The Society is governed by the Dutch law and has scientific and professional goals and objectives.
The basic objectives of the Society, which is a non-profit organization are:
to promote cultural and scientific, international exchanges between researchers and engineers of all disciplines, designers and architects, related industries, organizations and professionals in the field of comfort, welfare and health for the ageing and aged.
to encourage the creation of international research networks as well as international experiments of applied nature, in order to reinforce, by a wider dissemination of information, international potentialities in gerontechnology and to participate in their assessment.
to contribute to the promotion of international programmes in gerontechnology.
to encourage the creation of research networks as well as networks of professionals, in order to reinforce, by a wider dissemination the participation in specific educational training courses, for engineers, vocational professionals, as well as for administrators and industrial management.
to cooperate closely with all similar international organizations and with all national bodies, governmental and non-governmental, concerned with gerontechnology.
to involve the older citizen in all relevant activities.
The Society is open to membership:
by individuals belonging to any kind of engineering, design, gerontological, scientific, industrial or administrative activities related to gerontechnology.
by national or international societies related to gerontechnology, by industries or organizations, producing, providing or commercializing products and services aimed at the well-being, health and autonomy of elderly citizens and by non-scientific non-profit-making organizations concerned with the challenges of the ageing society.
The Society will achieve its objectives by:
Issuing international newsletters and exploring the feasibility of an international journal.
Opening a website and working groups on internet
Organising international conferences.
Educational programmes like summer schools, topical symposia and workshops.
Policy advise and lobbying towards governments/decision makers.
Networking with related societies (gerontology, medicine, ergonomics, engineering, design).
Organising exhibitions, show centers and a database on project.
Gerontechnology (ISSN/EISSN 1569-1101 1569-111X) is the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology